Way back when, well, in August, I met with Dr. Loretta at the Kari Feinstein Emmy's Style Lounge. Dr Loretta, a board certified dermatologist, was on hand giving skin consultations and generally being her lovely self along with her effervescent PR rep, Suzanne Summers. Dr. Loretta looked at both mine and my sister's skin and a few weeks later we received a giant box of Dr Loretta goodies to treat our skin. Being that Josie (my sister) is in England she's only just started using hers (I'll update you with her results soon!) – but I've been using mine regularly since I received them, and ladies and gents…I LOVE.
I'm going to break down the products I've used, individually – obviously these were a great fit for my skin as they were recommended specifically for me, that said I think they're fairly universal – and if not, the website most definitely has something for everyone – so be sure to check it out!
The first product in my Dr Loretta routine was the Duo Cleanse ($23). The Duo Cleanse ( is an exfoliating cleanser, exfoliating dead cells from both your pores as well as on the surface of your skin. I mostly used this in the shower and my skin always felt clean, fresh, and glowing. I have huge and fairly gross pores on my nose – and I definitely noticed a reduction in size. Whether this product is individually responsible for this – or it was one of the other products – I'm not entirely sure – but it's the first time I've ever noticed a significant reduction in pore size.
The next step in my routine was one of my favourite products – and likely an additional accomplice in reducing my alarmingly enlarged pores! The Purifying Peel Pads ($30) contain 5% Glycolic and 2% Salicylic Acids in a refreshing Chamomile-Eucalyptus base. Unlike any product I've ever use I literally felt these work – and yet at the same time, didn't irritate my, extremely sensitive, skin.
For the next step I alternated between two products. The first was 'Youthful Radiance' ($50), described as a "rapid luster enhancer (how awesome is that?) It's effectively a pre-moisturizer, that enhances your daily moisturizer, making your skin, literally, baby soft as it contains bioidentical lipids (ceramides, glycolipids) something our skin was rich with when we were babies. I used this mostly in the mornings as I loved how smooth and soft it made my skin – and it was perfect for use under make-up, not too "slippy" but still hydrating.
In the evenings I alternate this product with 'Essential Supplements' ($55). This product is again used prior to your moisturizer and not only contains the moisturizing lipids (much like Youthful Radiance) but contains anti-oxidants Vitamin E and F and combats skin inflammation, breakouts and enlarged pores (another culprit in my newly shrunken pores I guess!) again, baby soft skin, but plus clear skin – if you can only choose one from this step – this is the one I recommend… I think…but both are good. It's a tough call!
This next step is slightly more traditional…the moisturizer! The vital step in any skincare routine! 'Age Change' ($65) is more than just a moisturizer, it not only (again) left my skin baby soft, but made my skin appear smoother and clearer and made a wonderful base for my make-up – I used it day and night. In addition I used the 'Youthfull Eyelift' ($45) to combat my puffy eyes and dark circles with excellent results.
Dr. Loretta also provided me some more occasional use products such as 'Clear Slate' ($30) an at home peel that even after one use, made a clear difference in the surface of my skin without causing any irritation whatsoever. I also got to try one of their best selling products,'Youth Fill' ($45) – a deep wrinkle filler that reduces the appearance of fine lines and imperfections practically instantly – and does everything it says on the tin!
The last product I got to try was the Complexion Protection ($34) – an SPF 30+ product that was so effective and made my skin look so good I was able to skip a make-up base (apparently due to it's containing high grade silica that bounces light off the skin and improves texture!) I've been using this everyday – no burned noses for me!
All in all I've been extremely impressed with Dr Loretta Skincare. Smaller pores, baby soft skin, not irritated and super clear – just what the doctor ordered!
P.S There's currently a sale on – everything is 25%, buy buy buy!
Pearly Penile Papules Removal says
Valuable information! Looking forward to seeing your notes posted.
eczema free forever says
nice and useful information
Kojic Blend says
Anyway I was having the same problem and clearing my cookies wasn’t working. So I clicked all of the boxes for stuff to clear and it worked. I don’t know if that makes sense to you because I have no idea what I’m talking about when it comes to computers….
Azenith says
Try Our Premium Whitening Soap at http://AmiraSkinCare.com
pore refiner says
England she’s only just started using hers (I’ll update you with her results soon!) – but I’ve been using mine regularly since I received them, and ladies and gents.