For those of you that read my new years resolution post, you'll know that this year I'm planning on eating healthier and exercising more. Throughout the year I'm going to be trying various workouts, tools, diets, fads and fun and reviewing them all here – I'm going to try them, so you don't have to! So if you have any recommendations – share them now in the comments or send me an email!
For now I'm going to leave you with a video from last year – probably one of the more embarrassing things I've ever done in the blogosphere – but it's fun and it works, so here it is for it's Dedicated encore…(in two parts) "Get Summer Ready with Kristen Barlock of Skinny Babe Boot Camp!"
Enjoy (not going to lie – it's tough – but it's only for 10 minutes a day – so you can do it!)