I’ve been going through somewhat of a wardrobe crisis of late (#firstworldproblems amirite?) in which I am pushing 30, the owner of a business with an ever growing staff and client list, and all I want to do is wear pretty dresses and generally dress as if I were 12. We call it whimsy but in reality it’s the female and sartorial version of the Peter Pan Syndrome (if the Peter Pan syndrome is actually gender specific, I feel like it is…?).
So to combat my perpetually youthful wardrobe I’ve been attempting to dress “like an adult”, at least for work (now we have an office and I actually have to leave the house to do that) and it’s an interesting change. What’s most amusing to me is, my attempts to dress adult-ish are actually reminding me of being 16 when I spent a year at a fairly stuffy private school. As part of the sixth form we didn’t have to wear a uniform, but we had to dress in business attire. I combated this by wearing baggy suit pants (the lower slung the better), a blazer and some sort of slogan and/or band tee. Belly-button revealing of course, much to the dismay of the Vice-Principal who would call me across the quad to let me know he could see my belly button and would I put it away.
So here we are again in some sort of vicious circle, 14 years later, trying to dress business appropriate and landing somewhere outside of those boundaries
#adultproblems amirite?
Wearing: Plaid Pants: LOFT, T-Shirt: Burger and Friends, Blazer: LOFT, Shoes: Miista, Purse: courtesy of Ivanka Trump, Necklace: Smart Couture (more on that + a giveaway later!!!)
Kelsi xx