Many moons ago..yes I'm finally catching up, Two Point Oh! LA embarked upon an 80's styling adventure to help the South Bay Galleria in Redondo Beach to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. As a fellow 80's baby, it was very exciting to revisit this style period of colour, fun and pizazz.
Two Point Oh! LA bloggers were invited to post on their individual blogs something inspired by the 80's. We had some fantastic entries and the ten finalists were invited to the South Bay Galleria to style their own series of 80's inspired vignettes with participating stores. Each blogger won an $100 gift card and competed through a text in vote to win the grand prize.
Abigail Atchinson of LA Homme and Salvador Camarena of Fashion Salvation each took home the grand prize of a $250 gift card but each finalist presented some fantastic looks, shared in the above video and the photos below.
We had a fantastic day thanks to the lovely Mickey at South Bay Galleria and look forward to more partnerships like this in the future!
Looks from Miranda Valentine at Better in French styling for Abercrombie and Fitch
A look from Melanie Lee of Wrecked Stellar styling for Banana Republic
Looks from Sydne Summer of Think Thru Fashion styling for Forever 21
A look from Abigail Atchinson of LA Homme styling for The Gap mens
A look from Salvador Camarena of Fashion Salvation styling for The Gap Womens
A look from Erica Leigh Macaranas of Sweets and Hearts styling for Tillys
A look from Kristen Turner of Be Vainglorious or DIY Trying styling for Torrid
A look from Tiara Henry of Luxe Delux styling for Up Against the Wall
Myself and one of our winners Sal – I'm sooo glad I've had my haircut – ha – I'm surprised I could see!
Nordstrom were also there getting in on the Eighties action with their modernised 80's trends from preppy to sporty to a girly almost Gossip GIrl inspired looks presented in runway fashion.
All in all a super fun day!
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increase demand for urban living in the core.In April, an arm of the Lynd company acquired the St. Anthony Hotel on Travis Street, its first investment downtown, and will spend $24 million renovating it. The company shelved the idea of adding residential units on the hotel’s top floors.Home-makingIn the downtown ar
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