Me and Francois…because that's how I roll….
Last Friday, all was right with the world through my rose tinted glasses as I entered Soho House in West Hollywood, despite not being a member, there's something about that place that insists I belong. I believe it's the "Britishness"
There was more than just being British in my attending Soho House on Friday, I was there for a very special appointment. Cocktails and questions with none other than Francois Nars (that's the Nars ladies and gents) and Amanda Brooks of Barneys New York.
We sipped champers and nibbled bites as Amanda and Francois (you know I'm on a first name basis here..) sat down for a little chat and we were all ears (and phones, and cameras) Colour, trends and age appropriate make-up were all discussed as we all sat there fascinated and mesmerized by this charming scene.
Francois, obviously famous for his bold use of colour in his heavily pigmented make-up made a few bold claims about colour that really resonated with me. He said "If you're naturally attracted to a colour, buy it" This is something I truly believe – and I know full well it goes against a lot of fashion "schools of thoughts" those colour classes which determine which colours you can and cannot wear have always driven me mad. Sure there's colours that look better on some people than others. But God knows some woman in a skirt suit isn't about to tell me I'm an Autumn and I can't wear blue. So thanks Francois for validating my self beliefs!
Another subject strongly resonating with me were his personal tips for make-up application – he recommends fingers! Yes. Me too. I've never got on with brushes – they apply make-up to heavily for my taste – putting on make-up is an impressionist art form to me – the more blending I can do the better – and my hands are by far my best tool. So again – some more validation from Monsieur Nars.
Some other "quotables" of the night came from what he expresses as his idea of beauty, stating that "different is beautiful too" and how he views the purpose of make-up "make-up is to seduce the world" (this should be his catch phrase…just saying) he also went on to say that 10 year olds probably shouldn't be wearing make-up, for this exact reason.
Amanda also shared with us her key colours for Fall, including Saffron, Burgundy and Teal – all rich properly Fall appropriate colours that I can't wait to play with in both clothing and make-up form.
Other tips from the master included "If you look good outside you'll look good anywhere", "Don't be afraid to mix colours" and that upon leaving the house always be wearing either lipstick, mascara or blush! He also divulged his own tips for looking young (and at 52 not looking a day over 30…these were tips we all listened intently to)
He doesn't smoke or eat red meat. He does drink (he believes in having something to enjoy), he drinks lots of water and macha tea and has been drinking wheat-grass for 20 years. But most of all he believes in laughter and being happy.
Perhaps if I could join him on his Island in Bora Bora, I'd be one step closer? Oui?
Thanks so much Barneys NY and Francois Nars for a lovely evening.