Our latest series for Dedicated focuses on our two greatest passions, as evidenced by the title of our blog, fashion and music.
We show you what to wear and what to listen to whilst wearing it.
First up we have 'Trash Talk', a genius romp into the inner thoughts of 'Chain and the Gang', the newest project from front man Ian Svenonius. Ian Svenonius, known to many as 'The Sassiest Boy in America' (thanks to Sassy Magazine awarding him the title in 1990 – see this article) is also famous for his music and his literary genius. Having formed his first band 'Nation of Ulysses' in 1988, which later disbanded in 1992 he went on to form The Make-Up, then later released solo work under the pseudonym David Candy, in 2001 he formed 'Weird War' and most recently 'Chain and the Gang'
Svenonius also, in 2006, released a collection of self penned essays entitled 'The Psychic Soviet' and also presents an online talk show called 'Soft Focus' for VBS TV.
In our humble opinion…Ian Svenonius, you're still the sassiest boy (read: man) in America.
So put on the song, put on the outfit and go talk trash ladies…(to play just hover your cursor over the box and the click play!)
Trash Talk – Chain and the Gang
T-shirt with Sequin Pocket – Forever 21 – $17.80, Cotton/Cashmere Leggings – Victoria's Secret – $29, Black Long Vest – Forever 21 – $24.80, Multiple Chain Necklace – Salvage Salvage – $32, Studded Bag – Forever 21 – $12.80, Studded Boots – Cutesy Girl – $24.99
By Kelsi Smith