If you know me, you know it’s no secret that I adore Twin Peaks. I can’t claim to have been a fan the first time around. I was 7. But ever since Mr Style introduced me to the series almost 8 years ago we’ve made a tradition of watching both seasons once a year. And it never get’s old.
Odilon by Stacey Clark Fall 2012 Collection
I started noticing it’s emergence into the collective consciousness again around three years ago when the ever influential Tavi Gevinson declared her fandom. This was followed (and completely by happenstance) by the Fall 2012 collection from Odilon by Stacey Clark, the collection, inspired by The Black Lodge from the show, featured monochromatic red looks, zig zag patterns and cashmere sweaters emblazoned with the iconic phrase from the show “The Owls are Not What they Seem”.
This was the first time I’ve literally bought something off the runway. I stalked Stacey online, this is less creepy than it sounds and we are FB friends, until the sweaters came available and then I purchased one. In term of cost per wear it’s probably the most expensive thing I own, being that 80 degree weather in November doesn’t often allow for cashmere. But I don’t care. I’m considering hanging it in a place of prominence in my home to make up for the lack of wearing opportunities. Even though I never get to wear the one I have, I still want the red one too.
Since then it’s been gradually seeping into everyone’s consciousness. This Halloween, London by way of France fashion blogger, and fellow cat lady, Mademoiselle Robot, got her Audrey Horne on with this exceptional costume (and video to perfection – above) leading to actual squeals from me and cementing Laetitia’s spot on my virtual “bloggers I wish were my best friend” list.
The 21st Century Women’s Club, Eagle Rock.
It was around this time we were developing our aesthetic theme for the Two Point Oh! LA Fourth Annual Snowball and had decided on Twin Peaks meets Fifties School Dance (which is effectively the aesthetic theme of Twin Peaks – Pacific Northwest Mountain Style Meets Fifties School Dance) and we found our very own lodge to host the festivities in the form of the Womens 21st Century Club in Eagle Rock. Whilst as a fashion organization we’re ecstatic to be “on trend”, this is far more about my own agenda.
Fire Walk With Me Dress by Suckers Apparel.
The Black Lodge from Twin Peaks.
Firmly convinced of the re-emergence of the Twin Peaks cult – even if I’m entirely biased, this morning I was alerted to even more evidence through a well timed Facebook tag courtesy of my sister in law Lisa (fellow Twin Peaks fanatic) pointing me in the direction of another Twin Peaks inspired collection from Suckers Apparel.
The collection, much like Odilon’s Twin Peaks homage, take it’s inspiration with a heavy dose of aesthetics, and not so much literally. Which is what makes it so successful. The dress above is obviously inspired by the Black Lodge, the cape below echoes the walls in the girls bathroom and is aptly named “Smoking in the Girls Bathroom”. The Laura dress (also pictured below) is likely the creepiest of the collection, whilst the “Welcome to Twin Peaks” dress is the more generic embodiment of the series and it’s inspirations.
The “Smoking in the Girls Bathroom” cape by Suckers Apparel.
Audrey Horne, smoking in the girls bathroom.
The “Laura” dress by Suckers Apparel, left. Laura’s body, right.
The “Welcome to Twin Peaks” dress by Suckers Apparel.
Now the question is which one do I invest in? And, which Nineties series is making it’s comeback next in the sartorial stakes? my money is on the X-Files. And I’m not alone. The truth is out there guys….
Kelsi xx
P.S If you have never seen Twin Peaks, and I’m always surprised by those who haven’t, the full two seasons are on Netflix. So watch them. Nowish.